History And The Present Economics Is

OUR story

Stop Looking For A New App For Everything

THE Morning Habits of High Performers

“Your level of success “will seldom exceed your level of personal development”.

You see, success is something you attract by the person you become. Therefore, I’m not becoming the person I need to be to create the success I want in my life.

I have to figure out what the world’s most successful people do for their personal development.  I Googled, best personal development practices of millionaires, then billionaires, then CEOs, then Olympians.

Next thing I know I had a list of different practices. And they were all timeless, they had all been practiced for centuries. None of them were new.

Start a membership here. While DATD onboards you Google for your high-performing habits.

A realistic, achievable, step-by-step path to creating the support, confidence, and plan to own your success. 

Rachel Rodgers— a Black woman, mother of four, attorney, business owner, and self-made millionaire— shares the lessons she’s learned both in her own journey to wealth and in coaching hundreds of women through their own journeys to seven figures.

Develope From Experience

MEET THE Girl Bosses & Coaches

Meet The Girl Boss Coaches Daughters ATD

Keys For Community Developement

Our Business Model

Value Proposition Business Model Daughters ATD

Value Proposition

Connecting Black women with business development skills. Which enabling a path to transcend barriers and rise above systemic economics that have prevented them from reaching their highest potential.

Customer Segments Business Model Daughters ATD


Members will be Black women from ages 18 and up. Who want to be business owners and side hustlers who need guidance on how to get the process started and maintain it. Jobless mothers, working mothers, and young women.

Channels Business Model Daughters ATD


host community events with the purpose of bringing awareness to the services and opportunities our comunity offers. Will collaborate with other organizations that provide services to the customer segment were targeting.

Become Part of Our Community


Make The Impossible Possible Girl Boss aircraft mechanic Daughters ATD
Make The Impossible Possible Harriet Tubman Daughters ATD

take your Next step now

make the impossible possible

Keys For Community Developement

More Business Model



The members' needs are our first - priority. The programs that are being offered through us may be completely different from what is currently being offered by others.



Motivated in creating a community of powerful Black entrepreneurs who will be present and future leaders in their communities. Raising the quality of life for Black people across countries.



Will conduct social media events targeting our audience, we will have short info videos on Facebook, create an Instagram and Twitter page. Will advertise on the radio and printed.

Mailing Address

8410 S. Westmorland Rd
Suite 3201
Dallas, Texas 75237


Monday – Friday
09:00 am – 05:00 pm
Saturday – Sunday – Closed

DATD Newsletter

Stay up to date with our Girl Boss news, receive exclusive deals, and download free. 
The 30-Day Content Marketing Plan – Ebook

2020 - 2021©Daughter's across the Diaspora - All Rights Reserved
Managed Services Provider - HorizontalNT.com | Web Design - DJ-Joyful Lewis
Last Updated - 07/2025